How to Boost Your Garage in Preparation for Gardening This Fall
/Photo via Pixabay
Article Contributed by Emma Croft
Many people associate gardening with spring and summer, but there are plenty of things you can do to your landscaping in fall and winter, especially if you live in an area where the weather is mild throughout the year. One of the best ways to make sure you’re prepared for end-of-the-year gardening is to get your garage or shed in good shape. Setting up a workspace that has all your tools is essential when it comes to making sure you’re ready for planting, weeding, and cleaning up your lawn and garden.
First, think about what your goals are. If you just want to maintain the landscaping you already have, you can probably get by with your current tools. You’ll need a good pair of thick gloves, however, if you’re going to be gardening in cooler weather. If you know that your lawn will need some extra work for the season changes coming up, plan ahead for the items you need and start stocking them. This will help you save money--since you can look for sales and coupons ahead of time--and it will give you some peace of mind when you’re ready to get started.
Here are a few tips on how to boost your garage or shed in preparation for cool weather gardening.
Consider a dedicated gardening shed
If your garage is used for the car and you have no room inside for your tools, consider buying a shed solely for your gardening needs. Check to make sure you have the space in your yard, and think about what kind of materials you want to use. Wood and steel are popular choices, but they both come with pros and cons. Wood sheds are aesthetically pleasing but can rot and warp after some time out in the elements, while steel ones are a lot stronger but cost a bit more. Think about the type of weather that is most common in your area and what the shed would need to accommodate, as well as what it would be exposed to. Animals, fire, precipitation, and wind are the most important factors as far as that is concerned.
Gather your tools
The right tools will help you get the job done in the most timely and efficient manner, so consider what kind of gardening or landscaping you’ll be doing. Larger tools, such as a snowblower, leaf blower, or riding mower, will need to be stored and covered when not in use; do you have room for them? Dedicate a section of the garage or shed to smaller tools, and be sure to keep them clean and dry when they’re not in use.
Get organized
Because a garage or shed can easily become cluttered or overwhelmed by tools and gardening accessories, it’s essential to make sure the space is organized. By using a pegboard on the wall to hang smaller tools, you can eliminate the need for a lot of counter space or drawers, and everything will be easy to find. Utilize overhead racks to store large tubs full of lawn decor or seasonal items so you can free up space on the floor.
Make safety a priority
A major consideration to make when it comes to gardening in fall and winter is how you’ll stay safe. Protecting yourself from the elements is part of it, but you should also think about how you’ll protect your tools so they are in perfect working order when you need them. Store items with cords carefully to prevent electrical issues, and have a couple of pairs of thick work gloves on hand. Make sure all your tools and gardening items are kept well away from the garage door to ensure the elements don’t get to them.
Creating a beautiful and well-organized garage or shed space for fall and winter is a great way to prepare for all your outdoor needs, but it’s a good idea to make sure that Mother Nature will be cooperating with you. Check weather reports before you start any big projects, and plan ahead as often as possible.