Is Your Farmer Tech-Savvy? How Technology is Making Small Farms Safer, Smarter, and More Profitable

Is Your Farmer Tech-Savvy? How Technology is Making Small Farms Safer, Smarter, and More Profitable

Reynolds Garden Shop strives to make your home and garden a more beautiful, greener place to live. But do you ever think about how the small farms that bring wholesome food, vibrant flowers, and gorgeous plants to your home get it there? You may picture an old-school way of life when you imagine small farms, but modern agriculture is more tech-savvy than you think. Here are some ways that small farms are leveraging tech to improve agriculture as we know it.

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Harmful Diseases and Insects in the Summer Garden – Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Harmful Diseases and Insects in the Summer Garden – Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Nothing frustrates the avid gardener more than the presence of pathogens and harmful insects in the summer garden—disfiguring leaves, ruining fruit production, stunting growth and disrupting overall aesthetics. To further complicate matters, different pathogens can produce similar symptoms while some insect infestations can even mimic signs of disease. Take heart, however, because many diseases and insect problems can be treated, controlled or prevented with some initial planning and routine monitoring along with a basic knowledge of plant diagnostics.

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Introducing Bold New Butterfly Bushes Sure to Make a Statement in Your Late Summer Garden

Introducing Bold New Butterfly Bushes Sure to Make a Statement in Your Late Summer Garden

Vibrantly colored and low-maintenance with blooms that last from early summer until the first frost—butterfly bushes (Botanical Name: Buddleia) are the perfect perennial shrub to brighten up the summer garden. These new butterfly bush introductions, currently being offered by Reynolds Garden Center, are certain to make even the smallest garden pop with color and entice butterflies and hummingbirds to your property.

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