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Container Gardens

Enjoy these top tips from our garden experts on choosing the right container companions!

Purchase the right amount of plants for your container.

It’s important to read the label to see how large each individual plant grows first. Normally, a 10-12” container (measured across the top rim) can hold three 4” pot-sized plants. If you are starting with smaller plants from 6-packs, you’ll need double the number to fill the same container. If you are using a larger container, you’ll need more plants. Keep in mind you’ll need fewer wide-spreading, hearty plants such as Petunias to fill your container and then something more mounded in shape like Calibrachoas.

Combine plants that prefer similar growing conditions.

Will your container be in full sun, part shade or full shade? Full sun plants need at least six hours of direct sun per day, and generally prefer warm afternoon sun. Part shade plants need 4-6 hours of sun, while full shade plants will grow with less than four hours of sun exposure per day. If you are choosing plants for a warm sunny spot, choose all full sun loving plants. Choose part shade to full shade plants if your container will be placed in a shadier spot. Petunias, Verbena and Calibrachoas all prefer full sun, average moisture, and similar amounts of fertilizer. Their similar growth rate makes them a great match.

Use a variety of textures, shapes and sizes in your recipe.

Contrast is the key to designing a dramatic container recipe. Choose plants with a variety of different shaped leaves and flowers, some with larger leaves and others with finely textured ones.

Stop by our garden center to speak to one of our associates, we would be happy to help you find the perfect container recipe!